UperQT by Cod.act



FIMU 2022 // Sonant Installation
from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2022

Since 2012, the Espace multimédia Gantner displays works of art at the FIMU festival (Festival International de Musique Universitaire) at the heart of the old horse manège. In ten years, the manège became a must see of the festival.

This year, UperQt will be presented as a worldwide preview, the new piece of Swiss duo Cod.Act. They are used to participate to the festival, as they already displayed works like E-Cycloïd, Nyloïd… 


In the resounding excitment of the crowd, two strange tubular structures are facing each other, fragile yet menacing.

The bell chimes. One of the creatures throws its upper arm forward. It swings through space and make the air whistle above the spectators heads. The surprised adversary flits. The fight is starting strongly. Sometimes tactical and ritual, sometimes tense and electric, the phases keep coming in a skilful combination of mechanical and loud contortions.


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