Christina Kubisch, Magnetic Interstices


by Christina Kubisch

from 8th april to 13th july 2023

The exhibition Christina Kubisch: Magnetic Interstices invites us to a unique sound experience, to discover sounds that the human ear cannot normally hear, with a proposal of both historical and more recent works by the artist.

After Donner Forme à l’Ether (2021), the EMG continues its exploration of sound arts by inviting the international artist Christina Kubisch to exhibit within its walls. The artist whose work Cloud was discovered by our audience at the FIMU festival in 2019.
This exhibition is an incursion into a major field of her work, namely the exploration of electromagnetic phenomena, which she discovered in the late 1970s. Indeed, during a fortuitous triggering of Tesla coils – intended to amplify telephone conversations without handsets – a number of sounds were heard linked to certain otherwise silent electrical objects that surrounded her. By diverting her cubes from their initial function, a new sound dimension opened up for Christina Kubisch, for which she would design specific headphones and imagine a number of installations, some of which are presented in Bourogne. She invites visitors to listen to the inaudible with specific equipment, to play her works, or to turn a city into a huge musical instrument during an Electrical Walk, a creation of which will be made in Besançon in June and in partnership with the Maison de l’Architecture and the Bien Urbain festival.
Christina Kubisch: Magnetic Interstices also immerses us in the work of a pioneer of sound arts who never ceases to be curious and enthusiastic about natural, wild or urban landscapes, all over the world. It is an invitation to listen to our environment differently, to discover new interstices there…
An event exhibition to be discovered until July 15, echoed, in September 2023, by the publication of a monographic book on Christina Kubisch, at Les Presses du réel, with the participation of Rahma Khazam, Anne Zeitz, Sabine Himmelsbach, Daniele Balit and Éléna Biserna.