Algotaylorism, Rage Against the Machine


Commissariat : Aude Launay

Du 05 décembre 2020 au 20 février 2021

« Dans le passé, l’homme était premier ; dans le futur, le système devra primer » écrivait Frederick W. Taylor dans les Principes d’organisation scientifique des usines, en 1911.

De sa gestion scientifique du travail à la gestion algorithmique des travailleurs des entreprises-plateformes comme Amazon, Uber et Deliveroo, l’évolution a principalement été technologique, tandis que sur le plan idéologique, on remarque plutôt une continuité.

What if our contemporary society was ultimately more hyper-industrial than post-industrial? After having explored two facets of work in the globalized digital age at the Mulhouse Kunsthalle—on the one hand, a division of labor taken to extremes among click workers, and on the other, a persistent machinic illusion because many tasks believed to be performed by computers are in fact performed by human beings—the Algotaylorism exhibition continues to develop at the Espace multimedia Gantner. 

Its second chapter, Algotaylorism: Rage Against the Machine, examines how machines have been trained to recognize and define work and workers, how they have been fed with ideas and images, how they reflect this training in their actions, but also how certain human beings try to resubjugate their artificial eyes and neurons to put them in their place as mere extensions of humans in face-offs between natural and artificial intelligence.

With: the Feminist Economics Department, Zachary Formwalt, Sam Lavigne, Silvio Lorusso, Lauren McCarthy, Joana Moll, Julien Prévieux, Sašo Sedlaček

Around the exhibition :

Opening on 5th decembre subject to sanitary conditions

Algotaylorism, in Kunsthalle (Mulhouse)


Zachary Formwalt, In Place of Capital, 2009
Julien Prévieux, Where Is My (Deep) Mind?, 2019 Julien Previeux WIMDM