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Elizabeth Creseveur

Semaine n°141, revue hebdomadaire pour l’art contemporain
Authors : Alexandra Baudelot
Published 29.06.2007

Paper edition, 16 pages

Resonance centers around a project by Japanese performer Keiji Haino. The film displays the strong relationship between soud and image in their elocution and expression. Keiji Haino is a sound body. Music and sudden gestures are merging together and translate the expression of a full body. To saturate and to work on the perception by excitment and maximum stimulation through the sound (voice and guitar) – almost not audible, yowlings, ulcerated cries, bursts, rubbed and slashed strings, breadth of sound- and through images (close-ups and zooming into the body, gestures, moves). Black screenshots come and perturbate the cycle, allowing an immersion into darkness. This is a unique conscious experience of the body

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